Land Your Man™

ScheduleYour "Land Your Man™ Call Now!


This call is for high-achieving Christian women ready to be on the path to marriage NOW

You're ready to invest your time and resources in making the love life of your dreams a reality.

You want to make hell nervous with your future marriage.


This call is not women who are NOT ready to attract the man of their dreams NOW.

You're not coachable

You're not ready to invest time and resources into your love life.

Step One: Watch This Video  

Step Two: Choose A Time Below In The Scheduler Below - You Will Need 20-30 Minutes For The Call  

Step Three: Schedule Your Time Slot Below  

Step Four: Check your email for next steps!

Step Five: Watch the quick overview training before your call!


  • Coachable & ready to implement a step-by-step proven process to date for a marriage that makes hell nervous
  • Ready to stop attracting emotionally unavailable men and are ready to start attracting high-quality godly marriage-minded men
  • Ready to learn step by step how to be on the path to marriage without compromising your values
  • Ready to invest in the quality in yourself and your love life
  • Eager to create a godly legacy and walk in purpose with the man God has for you
  • You're a high-achieving single Christian woman who has been successful in every other area of her life BUT her love life


  • You're looking for a magic pill and are not willing to put in any effort
  • You're unwilling to step out of your comfort zone
  • You blame everyone else for why you're not where you desire to be
  • You are not a Christian woman who desires a godly marriage
  • You're a negative person and complain when things don't go how you desired them to go

Need more proof?


Leslie - Married to her dream man

"This program CHANGED my life" Before working together Leslie felt like she wouldn't be able to attract a good man and if marriage could happen for her even though she achieved lots of success in her life. Within just a few months of working together, she attracted the man of her dream!

In the video -Malia - Confidently dating

"Before I joined the program, I was going on dates with people, but just not feeling successful or like meeting the right kind of people. I just felt very frustrated. I found myself getting attached to people very easily, and just having a hard time letting go. That's been my common thing.

After the program, I just feel more confident in terms of, you know, getting to know certain pieces of information about a person before meeting them in person and valuing myself and my time. I'm just seeing there's an abundance of guys that are what I'm looking for that have these qualities, that love Jesus, and that are really seeking Him.

I loved that Khalea loves Jesus and if you're thinking about joining the program, I would just DO IT!"

Lindsey "Khalea has an authority that other people who do just "dating stuff" don't have..."

Tekarra - In a committed relationship

Before the program, I was in a very quiet season as a Christian single. I was starting to doubt, feel like I'm not good enough, or you just thinking that maybe marriage is not for me, you know, or now that I'm getting older, maybe the possibility of having children is, is gone. You know? So those things really started to bother me, started to scare me, and I'm like, okay, I'm gonna take actions into my own hands. And so I'm like, okay, I'm gonna go all out and do this. And I found myself doing that again in a place of desperation.

So that led to dating situations that didn't go as planned, and, you know, attracting the wrong men and just different obstacles that I really know I didn't have to experience.

After the program
I know that when I first started, I was like, man, if I could just land a man in this program, like that would be awesome. But really what happened is that I landed my confidence back, my happiness, you know, my hope for a beautiful future with my godly husband, you know? So all of those things are priceless.

As of right now, I am in a relationship. I'm gonna even use the term courtship because we've gone to that. And that has just been amazing!!

Chalonda - In a relationship "

"I feel so much more free and confident and know what I bring to the table and I won't settle for anything less..."

I am more conscious of what it really means to walk in the spirit of a wife, and I've built up my confidence even more in that area! .

I feel like I know what the future package of a husband looks like for me.

Emily - Happily Married

When my client Emily came to me at the age of 43 she was tired of the games in her love life.

This is what she shared with me right before we started working together in the Land Your Man™ Program. “Every man I start talking to...seems to just fizzle or they are crazy. I don't know how to position myself.”

Within just a matter of 5 months of working together, I showed her how to position herself to attract multiple men who were pursuing her. She got to pick the one she most desired to be with and they became exclusive shortly after.

This man put a ring on it and treats her and her children like a Queen and they serve the Lord together.

Here’s what we worked on together to help her attract an amazing godly man that provides and protects her.

We identified the limiting beliefs that were coming up around men and pulled them up from the roots.

A lot of women think that if you can just “show me the right places” to attract the men, then everything will be solved… BUT you can’t fix an internal problem with external solutions.

We then identified any men that she was holding on to that were taking up space and energy in her life that were simply (place holders) and we got those soul ties broken.

It’s hard to attract what God has for you when we are constantly entertaining the wrong men out of fear.

We worked on increasing her belief and confidence that God did have a man for her and that this was more than possible for her to be a wife.

This helped shift her energy to be able to start attracting higher-quality marriage minded men and that’s just what happened.

She used to believe that there was a lack of good godly men, but that is never the case. There is an abundance of godly men.. it’s just all in the way you position yourself to attract them.

There are generations attached to what God desires to do in and through your future marriage…
Every day that you put off not making your love life a priority is pushing you further
away from the love that you deeply desire to have in your life.

No more compromising your faith and values, wasting time, and going through silly
games in your love life.

Discover the art and elegance of confidently dating for marriage and easily attract the man of your dreams ...apply now!

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